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Februar 2015 um 19:35. CBD wirkt auch antipsychotisch und generell gegen alle negativen Begleiterscheinungen von (zu hoch dosiertem) THC. CBD Oil Without THC Recommendations - CBD Oil Users Get our recommendations of the best CBD oil products without THC based on your needs. Zero THC CBD oil drops, vape liquids, gummies, capsules and topicals. What Are THC & CBD? | Marijuana - YouTube 23.02.2013 · Some strains have higher amounts of THC and low amounts of CBD. Some strains have low amounts THC and high amounts of CBD and some are in between somewhere. And that's all part of the genetic How CBD and THC Work Together: The Entourage Effect Also, keep in mind that both THC and CBD may cause side effects. THC is psychoactive, and it may cause fatigue, dry mouth, slow reaction times, short-term memory loss, and anxiety in some people THC Vape Juice -The Magic Substance That Makes You High In Conclusion: THC vape juice is a unique way of jam-packing as much THC as humanly possible into one consumable form of cannabis. To be frank, I am not a huge advocate of ultra-potent THC concentrates as I have never really understood the need to experiment from quality marijuana flower, which has already been bred for extreme potency itself.
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